Monday, July 22, 2013

MCQ on Tabular and graphical presentation



1.         A frequency distribution is a tabular summary of data showing the
            a.   fraction of items in several classes
            b.   percentage of items in several classes
            c.   relative percentage of items in several classes
            d.   number of items in several classes
            Answer:  d

2.         A frequency distribution is
            a.   a tabular summary of a set of data showing the relative frequency
            b.   a graphical form of representing data
            c.   a tabular summary of a set of data showing the frequency of items in each of several nonoverlapping classes
            d.   a graphical device for presenting qualitative data
            Answer:  c

3.         A tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of the total number of items in several classes is a
            a.   frequency distribution
            b.   relative frequency distribution
            c.   frequency
            d.   cumulative frequency distribution
            Answer:  b

4.         Qualitative data can be graphically represented by using a(n)
            a.   histogram
            b.   frequency polygon
            c.   ogive
            d.   bar graph
            Answer:  d

5.         The relative frequency of a class is computed by
            a.   dividing the midpoint of the class by the sample size
            b.   dividing the frequency of the class by the midpoint
            c.   dividing the sample size by the frequency of the class
            d.   dividing the frequency of the class by the sample size
            Answer:  d

6.         The sum of frequencies for all classes will always equal
            a.   1
            b.   the number of elements in a data set
            c.   the number of classes
            d.   a value between 0 and 1
            Answer:  b

7.         Fifteen percent of the students in a school of Business Administration are majoring in Economics, 20% in Finance, 35% in Management, and 30% in Accounting.  The graphical device(s) which can be used to present these data is (are)
            a.   a line graph
            b.   only a bar graph
            c.   only a pie chart
            d.   both a bar graph and a pie chart
            Answer:  d

8.         A researcher is gathering data from four geographical areas designated:
            South = 1; North = 2; East = 3; West = 4.  The designated geographical regions represent
            a.   qualitative data
            b.   quantitative data
            c.   label data
            d.   either quantitative or qualitative data
            Answer:  a

9.         A situation in which conclusions based upon aggregated crosstablulation are different from unaggregated crosstabulation is known as
            a.   wrong crosstabulation
            b.   Simpson’s rule
            c.   Simpson’s paradox
            d.   aggregated crosstabulation
            Answer:  c

10.       A cumulative relative frequency distribution shows
            a.   the proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class
            b.   the proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the lower limit of each class
            c.   the percentage of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class
            d.   the percentage of data items with values less than or equal to the lower limit of each class
            Answer:  a

11.       If several frequency distributions are constructed from the same data set, the distribution with the widest class width will have the
            a.   fewest classes
            b.   most classes
            c.   same number of classes as the other distributions since all are constructed from the same data
            Answer:  a

12.       The sum of the relative frequencies for all classes will always equal
            a.   the sample size
            b.   the number of classes
            c.   one
            d.   any value larger than one
            Answer:  c

13.       The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal
            a.   one
            b.   the number of classes
            c.   the number of items in the study
            d.   100
            Answer:  d

14.       The most common graphical presentation of quantitative data is a
            a.   histogram
            b.   bar graph
            c.   relative frequency
            d.   pie chart
            Answer:  a

15.       In constructing a frequency distribution, the approximate class width is computed as
            a.   (largest data value – smallest data value)/number of classes
            b.   (largest data value – smallest data value)/sample size
            c.   (smallest data value – largest data value)/sample size
            d.   largest data value/number of classes
            Answer:  a

16.       In constructing a frequency distribution, as the number of classes are decreased, the class width
            a.   decreases
            b.   remains unchanged
            c.   increases
            d.   can increase or decrease depending on the data values
            Answer:  c

17.       The difference between the lower class limits of adjacent classes provides the
            a.   number of classes
            b.   class limits
            c.   class midpoint
            d.   class width
            Answer:  d

18.       In a cumulative frequency distribution, the last class will always have a cumulative frequency equal to
            a.   one
            b.   100%
            c.   the total number of elements in the data set
            Answer:  c

19.       In a cumulative relative frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative relative frequency equal to
            a.   one
            b.   zero
            c.   the total number of elements in the data set
            Answer:  a

20.       In a cumulative percent frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative percent frequency equal to
            a.   one
            b.   100
            c.   the total number of elements in the data set
            Answer:  b

21.       Data that provide labels or names for categories of like items are known as
            a.   qualitative data
            b.   quantitative data
            c.   label data
            d.   category data
            Answer:  a

22.       A tabular method that can be used to summarize the data on two variables simultaneously is called
            a.   simultaneous equations
            b.   crosstabulation
            c.   a histogram
            d.   an ogive
            Answer:  b

23.       A graphical presentation of the relationship between two variables is
            a.   an ogive
            b.   a histogram
            c.   either an ogive or a histogram, depending on the type of data
            d.   a scatter diagram
            Answer:  d

24.       A histogram is said to be skewed to the left if it has a
            a.   longer tail to the right
            b.   shorter tail to the right
            c.   shorter tail to the left
            d.   longer tail to the left
            Answer:  d

25.       When a histogram has a longer tail to the right, it is said to be
            a.   symmetrical
            b.   skewed to the left
            c.   skewed to the right
            d.   none of these alternatives is correct
            Answer:  c

26.       In a scatter diagram, a line that provides an approximation of the relationship between the variables is known as
            a.   approximation line
            b.   trend line
            c.   line of zero intercept
            d.   line of zero slope
            Answer:  b

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