Monday, July 22, 2013

MCQ on Measure of central Tendency

1.                   The value that typically best represents a variable is the
a.       mode
b.       median
c.        mean
d.       depends upon the context

2.                   The mean is
a.       the sum of all the values in a group, divided by the number of values in that group
b.       the midpoint in a set of scores
c.        the value that occurs most frequently
d.       the highest value

3.                    SX/n  is the formula for computing the
a.       mode
b.       median
c.        mean
d.       sigma

4.                   S is the symbol for
a.       the mean
b.       an individual score
c.        the size of a sample
d.       the sum of values

5.                   The symbol denoting sample size is
a.       M
b.       X
c.        n  
d.       å

6.                   Which is NOT a step in calculating the mean?
a.       Find the middle-most score
b.       List the entire set of values in one or more columns
c.        Divide the total by the number of values
d.       Compute the total of all the values

7.                   The following statements are all true about the mean EXCEPT
a.       The mean is not influenced by extreme scores. 
b.       The mean most accurately reflects the population mean.
c.        The mean is the centermost point where all values on either side are equal.
d.       The mean is a measure of central tendency.

8.                   The midpoint in a set of scores is called the
a.       mode
b.       mean
c.        median
d.       standard deviation

9.                   The median is best defined as
a.       the sum of all the values in a group
b.       the value that occurs most frequently
c.        the average amount of variability in a set of scores
d.       the midpoint in a set of scores

10.                To calculate the median you would do the following:
a.       multiply the value by the frequency of its occurrence, add to the total of all the occurrences and then divide by the total number of occurrences
b.       list the values in ascending or descending order and find the middle-most score
c.        list all the values in a distribution and tally the frequency of each occurrence and identify the value that occurs most frequently
d.       add all the values in a group and divide the sum by the number of values in that group

11.          When there is an even number of values, the median
        a.     is the average between the two middle values
        b.     is the smaller value
        c.     is the larger value
        d.     cannot be calculated

12.  Extreme scores __________ the median score.
a.       positively skew
b.       negatively skew
c.        have minimal impact on
d.       nullify the value of

13.  _________ are used to define the percentages of cases equal to and below a certain point in a distribution or set of scores.
a.       Standard scores
b.       T scores
c.        Q scores
d.       Percentile points

14.          The centermost value of a set of scores, when one or more scores are extreme, is best represented by the
        a.     median
        b.     mode
        c.     standard error
        d.     mean

15.          The mode is best defined as
a.       the sum of all the values in a group
b.       the value or values that occurs most frequently
c.        the midpoint in a set of scores
d.       the number of subjects collected

16.          Which measure of central tendency would be inappropriate for summarizing this data set: 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 46?
a.       mode
b.       median
c.        mean
d.       all of the above

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