Thursday, June 27, 2013

Panch Pokhari

Panch Pokhari:
Panch Pokhari is one of the unexplored places in Nepal. In English panch pokhari means 5 holy lakes and located in the northern part of kathmandu of Sindhupalchok district at the height of 4100m. it is the 9th highest altitude wetland in the world.
We all need caring thoughts and loving prayers right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste, and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too . (You have to copy & paste this one, no sharing

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nature of Mathematics

Nature of Mathematics
         Mathematics results from the discovery, the formulation, the systematic development and the application of patterns of inductive and deductive thinking. It consists of related ideas and patterns of thought. It is the queen of all sciences. It has continuously been developed and changed with changing needs of the contemporary society. The individual, community, association, organization, institution and government use mathematics in their own ways. Mathematical knowledge is necessary to study science, humanities and education. Mathematics is applicable to every aspect to individual life, social work, economic, politics etc. it is like a heart in human life.
What is Mathematics?
The problems of the man or society that is in turn of our existing world, is increasing day by day.
People need to solve such existing and facing complex and critical problems to live a happier life. To solve such tremendously expensed and exploded problems, people used many tools, among them mathematics is the renowned and well one.
The term ‘Mathematics’ is etymologically derived from an ancient Greek word “Mathancian” which means “to learn”. Golt and Futterman (1982) stated “knowledge of mathematics is indispensable to our daily life, counting object, reading and writing numbers, performing arithmetic calculation, as well as reasoning with numbers are tasks most people perform in their life. A strong background in mathematics is necessary for almost all technical careers in society. Competences in mathematics have been identified as a critical skill directly related to education and occupational choice.”
Once looked back, it is not possible to know such accurate date from when mathematics has begin. Nevertheless, the study of many mathematicians reveals and it is crystal clear that the mathematics became parts of human life from the birth of human life.
Meaning and Definitions of Mathematics:
Mathematics is a term that means many things to many people. Some enjoy it, others do not. For many people arithmetic and mathematics are synonymous. However, arithmetic is a part of mathematics. For general public mathematics is the arithmetical operation among the numbers such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and solution of other such problems on their daily life situation. This is indeed a vital and a correct use of the term for them. It is one of the greatest heritages of the mankind. Those who love it climbed intellectual maintains.
              Mathematics, the study of quantity, structure, space and change has been interpreted and explained in various ways. It developed with abstraction and logical reasoning, from counting, calculation, measurement and the study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. It results from the discovery, the formulation, the systematic development and the application of pattern of inductive and deductive thinking of related ideas and patterns of thoughts lies in the mathematics. Mathematics is applicable to every aspects of individual life such as social work, economy, politics, research, planning etc. Mathematical knowledge is necessary to study of science, humanities, and education. So it is called the queen of science, not only for science it is like a heart of human activities.
                     Mathematics helps in the field of physical science and social science, which gives much information like table charts diagrams, graphs, geometrical and technical drawing. In boarder sense mathematics use as language tool and to develop thinking skills, subject and deductive science.
Some definitions of Mathematics
1)    Mathematics is a way of thinking, i.e. way of organizing, analyzing and synthesizing a body of data.
2)    Mathematics is study of patterns. It is through mathematical description that regularities and similarities in nature can often be classified.
3)    Mathematics is an art. As in other arts, mathematics is characterized by order and internal consistency. Mathematics is queen of all science.
4)    Mathematics is the language of science and as such uses carefully defined terms and symbolic representation that enhance our ability to communicate.
We study about mathematics we see mainly categories of mathematics into two part:- one is pure mathematics, and other is applied mathematics.

Pure mathematics:-
The part of mathematics which is related to theoretical concepts is called pure mathematics and which studies patterns of thought without regard to their application.
Applied mathematics:
The part of mathematics which is related to practical affairs is called applied mathematics.  It is branch of mathematics that concerns itself with the mathematical techniques typically used in the application of mathematical knowledge to other domains.
All pure mathematics arose from applied mathematics the need to develop new method to solve problems of everyday life. The developments in pure mathematics often were carried far beyond their original application and led to future developments quite, remote from practical experience. Later, what initially developed as pure mathematics often proved to be extremely useful in do not know its wide application at the time of invention. For example – complex numbers were developed from the point of view of pure mathematics, but now it finds intensive applications in electricity, ratio, related fields of physics and engineering. The reverse is also true mathematicians developed these methods with no provision of their use in modern electrical engineering Discoveries by pure mathematician are continuously being put to use in applied science, and problems in applied science in turn inspire investigations in pure science. In view of the close relationship between pure and applied mathematics. Applied mathematician applies the discoveries made by pure mathematics in daily life situation. When applied mathematician faces problems while applying the inventions made by pure mathematicians they again turned towards pure mathematician. This process continues forever.
Applied mathematicians use mathematical models to better understand, and possibly solve, real-life problems.
Nature of Mathematics Knowledge
The word of mathematics is essentially man made word and has been designed by man to meet his ideas of intellectual perfection. The beginning of mathematics was advanced with the ancient period of human civilization; Mathematics is useful and necessary day to day life of human beings. It is more applicable due to the invention of science and technology. It is used to solve the daily life problems at the beginning period. However, it is out of track from the knowledge of human behavior. It is dynamic and revolutionary in nature. It is creative nature. To know how the mathematics is related to other disciplined, we have to identify the nature of mathematics.
It is useful and essential for personal life, social life, science and technology and any research field with the following dynamic nature:
                    i.            Inductive nature of mathematics: Mathematics begins from the induction. Most of the mathematical discoveries are based on induction.
                  ii.            Mathematics is a way of thinking: Logical thinking, decision making are the mathematical process.
                iii.            Mathematics is an organized structure of knowledge: In mathematics each knowledge or principles are based on previous knowledge.
               iv.            Mathematics is both science and arts: Mathematics is based on the fast. Principles and relations. Hence, it is well planned organized and structure of knowledge.
                 v.            Mathematics is a language: Mathematics has its own language, definitions, symbols and principles.
               vi.            Mathematics is a creative science
            vii.            Mathematics is the study of patterns.
           viii.            Mathematics is a practical science: It is based on the experiment of day to day work.
                ix.            The deductive and logical nature of Mathematics: Here the concern is with the question of what follows by force of logic from known truth.
                  x.            Mathematics generates from the phenomena/events in the nature and applicable in the nature for problem solving and future development.
               xi.            Telescopic and microscopic nature of mathematics.

              xii.            Mathematics has its own terms and terminology to express / explain phenomena, axioms/postulates and theorems and the process of creation of mathematics is almost universal.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

knowledgeforum: Recent Trend in Mathematics ( Small research paper...

knowledgeforum: Recent Trend in Mathematics ( Small research paper...: Chapter −I 1.1 Introduction Mathematics is a board term in its range. Generally, it comprises the study of number and space, logical r...

Recent Trend in Mathematics ( Small research paper)

Chapter −I
1.1 Introduction
Mathematics is a board term in its range. Generally, it comprises the study of number and space, logical reasoning and many more. Besides of its scope and range, the way of discoursing it varies according to interest, standard and so on of the individual, which is a crucial point to conduct the general background of mathematics and the recent trends of pre-primary and primary education. Mathematics is the central part of the school curriculum not only in Nepal but also in the entire world. Every society has observed mathematics as basic needs of human civilization. Mathematics has started at the infancy level from the beginning of human civilization to the advanced level at 21st century. New discoveries in mathematics and mathematics education are still in the continuation. During this period its trends and nature had been changed, still this is changing continuously and it can be predicted that it will never be stopped. Today, other disciplines such as science, engineering, medicine and technology may be handicapped without mathematics and the world can not run smoothly without it. Thus the importance of mathematics realized due to its role for the development of science and technology in one hand and the other, it has become a gatekeeper in the life of the students for their carrier choice in future study.
The term “trends of Mathematics education” refers to its nature, style, internal characteristics and overall qualities in the case of discovering and implementing the mathematics education from past to present in different countries including Nepal. The trends of mathematics education also connect the historical events of mathematics in ancient period as well as modern period that deal about the many mathematicians and their contribution. The contributions of mathematicians show the trend of mathematics in that period and it provides easiness to compare it with present mathematics and its trends.
          In many countries pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and secondary school education has become compulsory for large number of children up to the age of 6 to 15-16 years. In Nepal, grade 1-5 primary (in which grade 1-3 pre-primary), 6-8 lower secondary and 9-10 secondary, 11-12 higher secondary and higher secondary onwards university level. National Education System Plan 2028 had classified for these levels as 1-3(primary), 4-7 (lower secondary), 8-10 (secondary) secondary onwards university level.
During the last couples of years great change have been made in the teaching of primary school mathematics. Important new contents has been added, major change have been made in the goals in learning and in teaching procedures. This report tries to define the major trends in the mathematics education of children from the beginning of their school life up to the age of 10-12 years. In many countries this age no longer indicates the end of compulsory schooling, but it is still very often the time when a change occurs in this pattern of education. This is the age according to piaget, which marks the end of the stage of concrete operation. Current development is motivated by to desire which are complementary but different in character: (i) to enhance the content of education by promoting standardizing and simplifying power of mathematical thoughts with the objects of improving each individual level of understanding and grasp of environment full of mathematics situations (ii) to improve the learning process of every child and to introduce the study of mathematical; ideas at the most appropriate movement.
During 1960, it was essentially the first ideas which motivated will the reform at all level of education. It was question of bridging the gap between mathematics taught in school and the mathematics as developed by mathematicians.
1.2 Objective of the Study
          This study intended to accomplish the following specific objectives:
a)     To identify d historical trends in pre-primary and primary education.
b)    To identify the recent trends on goals, method, materials, role of the teachers, research and problem in pre-primary and primary level education.
1.3 Limitation of the Study
          This report is one of the most important part of the educational institute especially in Master’s Degree level in education because master’s level education helps to produce one of the qualified, trained, higher level manpower as well as researcher of many areas of the countries. So the students of M.Ed. should be able to guide to this level. But it is so difficult to evaluate the recent trends in mathematics at pre-primary / primary level. In detail, but in this report the contents are background, objectives, historical trends, recent trends (Trends in goals, contents, method and materials, Role of teacher, Research) at pre-primary / primary level education and we arise conclusion and suggestions as well as references.

Chapter −II
2.1 Historical Trends in Pre-Primary and Primary Education
          The mathematics education had very much narrower concept in ancient period. In that time; no formal school and institutions have been opened. Babylonian and Egyptian have used stone, sticks to court their domestic animals. For the people in those period mathematics was limited to number and computation of numbers. In ancient time in Nepal, mathematics was learnt in “Gurukul Shiksha”. In an ancient period  children were learnt from their parents. Especially father taught for son works related to male in the society. Similarly, mother taught for her daughter works related to female in the society. After some time, education started from Gurulul system and the children were learnt from this system.
The mathematics education has been developed through the contributions of many mathematicians in different period of time. In Nepal, mathematics education started after the advent of democracy in 2007 BS. In Nepal, school levels as well as university level mathematics curriculum has been revised with the recommendations of National Education Committee Report 2049 BS. The main countries including Nepal have taken as an education issue for “Mathematics for all” in order to bring drastic change in the trend of mathematics education.
2.2 Recent Trends in Pre-Primary and Primary Education
          The recent trends on goals, method, materials, role of the teachers, research and problem in pre-primary and primary level education is presenting as follows:
2.2.1 Trends in Goals of mathematics Education
          The objectives of primary level in mathematics varied widely from country to country, one consensus view has been appeared that fundamental goal of the elementary school is no longer to help children acquire technique for solving only. The trends rather emerge to provide them with a correct approach and a real understanding of the mathematical concept associated with these techniques, and a solid base for their continuing education in different manes.
i. Arithmetic Teaching
The word “Arithmetic Teaching” was replaced by the word “Mathematics Teaching” with a view to integrate the different domain of mathematics. The word mathematics does not use many countries rather they wanted to use pre-mathematics or mathematical arithmetic. Number as, quantitative literacy and mathematical literacy are the word being used very confusingly. Quantitative literacy is widely used in North America. Although the objects of primary level in mathematics varied widely from country to country.
ii. The Value of Attainments
          In many countries the role of selection and orientation in primary education is now less important. There is a conflict between public’s expectation and training provided for the teacher. The educational goal of the primary school is no longer clearly detected by its most interest parties, parents, pupils and teachers. The emerging trends have been shifted from arithmetical proficiency and skills to creativity and pupil’s fresh abilities to cope with new situation.
iii. Development of an Exploratory Attitude
The most important trends are based on the idea that there is no basic different between the ways in which a child acquire knowledge and the way in which a mathematicians creates it and that as a result the teaching of mathematics should be considered mainly as a rediscovery.
The development of an exploratory attitude is a goal, which has both a social and psychological basis. Socially, the variety of questions in which mathematics occurs makes it impossible to provide a child with sufficiently wide range of techniques to allow him to confront all the problems he / she will meet in course of his / her life and psychologically, the pupil does not learn mathematics by contemplating the complete mathematical structures. But, by a reasoned dialogue, which it is a teacher’s duty to foster. The pupil’s are presented with situations in which there are several possible approaches to the solution, at different level of ability or formal techniques, while care is taken not to discourage the various endeavors or to favor one method of solution more than the other. Each pupil is capable of doing something and can eventually move from one level of solution to another if he is stimulated by discussion within the class.
iv. Intellectualization of Mathematics Teaching
Intellectualization means the introduction of more precisely define mathematical concepts a more global approach and better structural organization of knowledge. For eg. In a piece of work on the measurement of areas there will be different type of manipulation which will facilitate in succession compare objectives, define concepts, construct instrument of measurement, improve instrument, produce objects, relate different areas, develop formula for areas and volume etc. Honest endeavor is to minimize the gaps between two societies one having a few scraps of technical competence with little logical organization and other having a well structured knowledge.
However, it seems that children are capable at a very early age of creating, handling correctly and modifying according to their needs, the simple mathematical language necessary for describing  and studying well-chosen situations, while respecting the principal criteria which constitute the efficiency of this tool of investigation and communications; intelligibility, brevity, accuracy, relevance, normality.
v. Mathematics as a collective creation
Mathematics is an aspect of group creation in which learning takes place in the form of working together communicating with and helping each other, validating and appreciating their results in a group. To perform above aims teacher should be also alert to play a role of facilitator which seems to be an imaginary at present situation.
Increasing attention is being paid to the aspect of group creation by the class at the primary level of mathematical teaching. Mathematics is not the sole activity n which learning to work together and to communicate with each other is an important part; but in mathematics, especially in the early stages of learning, all the ideas and concepts can be constructed by the children from activities devised for them. Such concept of teaching also aims at giving the child opportunity to appreciate both the futility of knowledge which is not shared, and the social need to ascertain that one’s partner in a conversation possesses the same models as oneself if communication with him is desirable and as a result, to understand the benefit there is in helping him build that model.
This aim is very difficult to achieve; it requires varied teaching methods adapted that the teacher become much less apparent as a giver of information and much more available and alert as an organizer and animator, this requires much greater professional ability. Finally, the size of classes must be adapted accordingly; the optimum size is probably somewhere between 20 and 25 pupils.

vi.  Pre-primary Teaching
          According to psychologist child depends largely on the activities in which he has the opportunity to participate. One goal of preschool teaching should therefore be to devise activities for children which they do not necessarily find in their family environment and construct their own pattern and structures. In most countries no clear trends towards an intellectual approach in pre-primary teaching can yet be importance in increasing. At this level we must concentrate on affective problem rather than the cognitive problem.
          First of all it must be noted that the status of pre-primary education varies from place to place. In many cases this stage of education does not even exist; if it does exist, the attainment of skills is not an aim of prime importance. Those who teach at this level receive a training which often differs from that of primary school teachers, having little mathematics; they concentrate much more on children’s affective problems rather than on the cognitive problems.
2.2.2 Trends in Contents of Mathematics Education
          The pupil has often through that the content of primary education in mathematics has changed completely. In actual fact, the modifications are on the whole modest and arithmetic remains the central subject of mathematics teaching at primary school level.
i. Operational Techniques
The implementation of the reform in mathematics teaching at the primary level has given rise to research on the problem linked with the attainment of operational techniques, and has afforded an opportunity of once more laying open to doubt a large number of generally accepted idea. The operational techniques are usually clearly separated from the meaning of the operation that is mathematical definition, recognition of situation where a certain operation leads to the solution of a problem.
Current research is attempting to encourage integrated, progressive leaning, using meaning, repertoire, and algorithms at one and the same time. The range of an operation’s meaning. Limited at first, extends progressively by building in certain results that is by establishing at first an algorithm using the part of the range of meaning as a repertoire, brought about by new situations, allows an extension and strengthening of the meaning of the operation. The development of the repertoire is produced both of memorizing new results, judged more appropriate, and discarding others little used; at the same time, the structuring of the repertoire takes place in accordance with the algorithm, and in written leads to simplification of it. At each stage a balance is established, and the development is guided by considerations of economy. The algorithm used not necessarily the same in a mental computation as in a written one; mental computation plays an important role if reinforcing what has been memorize and in simplifying algorithms.
We say that far from discarding study of computation, primary teaching seeks to promote a better understanding of the operation and a better control of the operational techniques by new methods which encourage a reduction in the time devote to this study and avoid tedious repetitions.
ii. Sets and Natural Numbers
The word “Sets” had been introduced in a native sense to facilitate the number concept in the child with veen-diagram creates automatic response of the children. People did think one to one correspondence is important for the development of number.
The number concepts, taught in primary school have been enriched, usually. Integral only, are introduced in many countries usually beginning with temperature readings and playing games of winning and losing points. These numbers are ordered by extending the number line to the left. After fractions have been taught, the negative rational numbers can be located on the number line.
iii. Computation and the Extension of concept of Number
A trend has been seen developing in the teaching of computation which may be termed structuralist, which emphasizes mathematical structures with a view to changing the teaching of arithmetic with the help of general ideas of transformations, relationships etc. Now it no longer seems that the activities thus contrived encourage pupils to reach the fixed goal in the expected way. This does not mean that such activities are uninteresting on the contrary- but their interest lies in another direction.
For example, hoping to help in the construction of (Z, +), the study of several finite groups is introduced in which the elements are one –one mappings of a set onto itself, and where the law of combination of mappings. The dynamic character of the mapping is brought out by arrow diagrams or with the ideas of “function machine”. Combinatorics was taught to allow the teacher to present open situations for investigation, to organize their works, to discover through systematic exploration some interesting properties of numbers and in many cases to actual demonstrations.
iv. Geometry
Great changes have come about in the teaching of geometry. Some years ago this teaching was usually normative and formal. A new kind of teaching is taking shape at present, incorporating the skills of the former. Two trends stand out.
One is a structural trend in which a simplified model of plane affine geometry is studied, starting with notions of parallel lines and using parallel linkages and squared paper. The relationships of incidence of parallel lines are studied as well as certain simple transformations. The labeling of points by pairs of numbers them helps to enrich this model by developing analytic geometry on D2 with an approach to R2. A distance is introduced which is sometimes called “taxi distance” which helps to set problems of type: find the shortest distance between one point and a set of points; find the median point, etc. The solution of these problems requires numerical investigation. Many other activities are possible along the same lines.
The second is an exploratory trend based on active participation. Children are given objects or plane figures to calssify and the study of classification criteria helps to define certain concepts such as polyhedrons, polygons, convexity, etc. Problem of reproducing the object introduce some properties of symmetry, of the incidence of parallel lines, and of some plane transformations, which also come into constructions of tiling of the plane, and regular polygons or polyhedrons. The use of squared paper helps to simplify certain constructions, facilitates these solutions by introduction of numbers, and stimulates arithmetical research. The use of assemblies of cubes affords an opportunity of setting and solving problems from the point of view of shadow cast and representation with the help of projections, etc. Many others activities may be introduced stimulated by the environment.
v. Probability and Statistics
One of the most important of the new subject stands firm after the penetration in elementary teaching is probabilities and statistics. The various goals are as follows which corresponds to four different levels of abstraction:

·        To provide children with the experience of chance.
·        To introduce a useful and precise vocabulary.
·        To construct models of probability.
·        To start a more systematic study.
Two principle trends can be discerned in the teaching of probability. A first trend is restricted to the teaching of statistics to meet the first two goals. A second trend deals more or less with all four goals. There is a risk of stressing the third goal too soon and of reducing the teaching of probability to a use of arithmetic and combinatory techniques, and of making the simulations without the pupils having actually constructed the models which justify it.
vi. Influence of Computer Science
Three trends can discerned which shows the effect of computer science in pre-primary teaching. A first trends is the use of arrows, boxes etc, which encourages the understanding for the dynamic aspect of mathematical thought much more easily then a classical arithmetic written sequence.

A second trend is the use of diagrams of the above type to solve and present the solutions of problems, and then to generalize from one category of problems in which the terms are similar in nature but different in value. Flow diagrams with or without loops are used with the same end in view and also to describe algorithms etc.
          A third trend consists of using imaginary machines even if access to a computer is not practicable; children are ready to write a program for n imaginary machine which as a rule can only do elementary computation and which must be given precise orders to be able to function. This program completes the children to be very strict in the writing of instructions, and to clarify the properties they use in their elementary instructions.
vii. Language and Logic
Reforms have often blamed in a sad way which changing and increasing use of vocabulary in elementary grades. This is a very popular trend that school vocabulary has always been found to contain more means of indicating the pictorial representation that the signified concepts. Many concepts can not be treated in class discussion by the teacher or pupils other than through the intermediary of a pictorial presentation of a concrete situation, which like any presentation, is accompanied by many other things besides the concept itself.
          No country has probably been able to escape totally this language perversion, which in other respect is probably no worse than that which has always existed. One of the goals of reforms was and still is the disappearance of this prevention. It is still out of reach and prolonged efforts are still required, as this problem is for many people a question of teacher training and of mathematical and didactic ability on the part of textbook authors.
          Some practices have been observed while using language phrases “The set of girls wearing non-dresses”. Such non-mathematical and unnatural language made mathematicians aware of pseudo-math-jargon. The current trend is to try and avoid the trap of this artificial language which transforms what is easily understood.
          Now learning the written language is often a slower process. The methods of classification, organizing information, and substitution, developed in mathematics, simplifying the learning of the written language in spelling as well as in syntax. Therefore a reserve trend in the relationship between mathematics and the written language. There is a trend to minimize the handicap of an inadequate grasp of language which burdens children of a deprived socio-cultural background.
2.2.3 Trend in Teaching Methods and Materials
          At present pupils is the center of teaching process. Much thinking, many resources have been done the empower students on their own to visualize the situation where problem might be originated and solve on their own way.
i. Choice of Situation and Materials
The variety of situations presented to pupils within the framework of mathematics, allows them to be shown different aspects of mathematical activity. On one hand can see and emphasize the application aspect of mathematics more. On the other hand, one may value and emphasize the nature of mathematics i.e. discovery / rediscovery aspect of mathematics more important. Of course, many situations combine these two aspects. A balance is on the way to being established at present, but has not been immediately discovered. At the outset of the reform, much more attention was paid to the pure aspect of mathematics, in accordance with the principle concern of time, which was to introduce the fundamental mathematical concepts into teaching.
          At the other end of the scale one finds mathematical game or structured materials, they encourage the certain of artificial situations which often depend on a certain number of parameters on which the teacher can play in order to adapt the activity to the children’s reactions.
          One of the aims of some current research is to characterize situations which may be described precisely in terms of the teacher’s strategy corresponding to the development of the pupil’s strategy of research. The universal trend of providing more variety in the materials for presentation, by the use of square paper, abaci, sketches etc, with the aim either of communicating or of promoting the production of conjectures and investigations.
ii. Technological Recourses
Over recent years, certain technological resources for written or pictorial communication have come into general use in the elementary school. They make team preparation work of visual documents much easier and provide the whole class with a good quality pictures. Some of these materials are related to abaci and some are investigatory instruments. Some of them are very expensive but essential to the new style of teaching. Some of them are of low / less sophisticated would probably be better suited in many cases.
          Some countries also use the media to introduce activities to children, or even something to relieve the lack of qualified teachers, but these facilities are used more generally in teacher training. Pocket calculators continue to increase in number; they can no longer be ignored by elementary education; they will have to be combined with other the learning of operational techniques and problem solving; they will provide an opportunity to explore more widely certain areas where overlong numerical computations restrict possibilities at present but research has still to be done in this field where there can no question of leaving it to machine manufacturers.

iii. Books and School Publications
Traditionally, a school textbook has two distinct purposes. On one hand, the textbook suggests outline of lessons to teachers, who use them adding examples, exercise and motivations, anecdotes, etc. On the other hand, the textbook is a collection of exercise on applications of taught materials.
          A general claim a textbook authors put that his book appeals more directly the pupils, present more attractively, contains varied examples, supply open situations, covering all kinds of areas, stores photographs, drawings, sketches, graphs etc. A pupil can organize his work better than before by following his book. Some authors go further in the direction of individualization and suggest, instead of textbooks, collections of word-cards, forming a sort of programmed teaching.
iv. Change of Methods as Regards Pupils
          The child is no longer regarded as a receptacle for knowledge; he is urged to use his intelligence much more. He finds more sources of motivation during his activities. Mathematics may be considered according to various kinds of diversity:
·        Diversity of situations which allow the child to exercise his intelligence and skills in the areas he finds interesting.
·        Diversity of work methods which allows him successively to carry out  his work at his own place, to take part in a group within which the activities are shared out and where the findings are discussed, to present his group in a collective discussion where he must justify the results not only to the teacher but especially to his companies.
·        Diversity of activities linked with mathematics. Unfortunately too many classes still exist in which the pupil’s life is not organized in this way, but the work does not allow the pupil to take any initiative. In extreme cases, content change without method change leads to a lower standard of teaching. In fact the repeated chanting of multiplication tables was an ineffective memorizing process, it was aimed however at acquiring a useful skill; and accepted as such by the children while chanting pupil even do not know what is expected of them.
v. Change of Methods as Regards Teachers
Teaching based on the idea that mathematics is a creation by the class rather than passive recipients of knowledge given by, becomes the most influential methods that before. The teacher’s role is especially delicate. On the end he is called dogmatic and on the other end he may be called as laissez-faire. He must remain neutral and lead the discussion without showing his feelings or his ideas. These methods are much more fatiguing for the teacher and also for the pupils because they must bear periods of frustrations and lack of confidence when their early ideas fail. This is the point where the teacher must judge whether he may help and how he may do so. These methods demand special abilities on the part of teacher. In the eyes of many people they seem costly both in time and energy. These methods can only be effective if they are constantly used.
vi. Assessment
The attitude towards the assessment of pupil’s work is considered as most difficult issues to reform. Previously teacher had to evaluate a limited number of taught concepts and skills. The current situation reveals that a certain perplexity is felt by all when faced with the problem of assessment. One trend, can be discerned which consists in arranging exercises during each activity which provide the teacher with an opportunity of assessing the efficiency of his teaching, so that he may adapt the sequel according to the difficulties he has noticed.
vii. Slow and Handicapped Children
Slow children have always been the despair of their teachers, who did not succeed in the helping them maintain the same level as the others. It seems that the new methods of learning the wider variety of activities and the more suitably adapted pace of the learning children to overcome emotional blockages to their progress.
Much progress remains to be made in this field where emotional questions play an important role. But the result obtained leads us to think in favor of inclusive education (IE). The results of such a separation are generally catastrophic on the psychological plane and moreover unfavorable to collective creation. Physical or mentally handicapped children are generally taken into specialist institutions, where the educators have very little training in mathematics. Some of the experiments carried out in an attempt to adapt the new approach to arithmetic in this field are very promising. E. g. Diagrams with arrows, mini-computers available to defective children and manipulative / visual representation to deaf and dumb children.
2.2.4 Trends in the Role of Teachers
          In elementary teaching much more than at other levels of teaching, the role of the teachers is fundamental. A reform, whatever it may be, can only succeed if the teachers understand its aims are masters of the new content, and are capable of modifying their teaching methods as a result. Naturally, they can not be expected to modify their behavior in the desired way from one day to the next.
i. Freedom of Teachers in their Teaching
          It must be remembered that the administrative and pedagogic organization of elementary education varies widely from country to country, ranging from a very centralized organizations, where the teachers receive strict directives, to a decentralized organization, where the teacher accept a local education curriculum which they themselves have often helped to define. The reform in teaching generally is visualized by increasing the freedom of the teachers. Freedom of the teachers has several aspects require the teachers to develop a strategy to cope the prepared teachers an opportunity to teach as they wish according to multiplicity of viewpoints concerning content, methods and goals. For the least prepared teachers this state is uncertain and confusing. They do not accept this idea rather they show their refusal.
ii. Teachers in the Teaching Situation
          Teachers talk about the change in their way of teaching but resist about the change. Some teachers adopt one method of teaching which produce what we call caricature of the method chosen. Experience shows that a teacher only change his teaching if he has opportunity to experiment with new patterns of behavior and to note the reactions of the pupils to this change.
          A teacher is afraid of not being able to pick out the productive ideas in the pupils suggestions. Many teachers are afraid of not having the necessary capabilities, which places them in a very uneasy moral position for not updating himself.
iii. Polyvalence of the Teachers
          Primary level teachers are not the specialist. They must know many subjects. In many countries the reform in mathematics teaching has been accompanied by teaching reforms in other subjects. All subjects of elementary education have a common aim. So, placing equal importance to other subjects should not be considered as slow down in mathematics.
iv. Teacher Training
          Most teachers receive on initial training in which the levels of mathematics are not high. In many cases not only the teachers but also their trainers have had to redevelop their idea towards the new content. This at first led to an emphasis on content much more than on methods.
          The current trend is to bring theoretical training in content and practical preparation for the profession closer together, linking them by an epistemological and didactical analysis. This development is only taking place slowly, as the training institutions are often very lethargic, and their burdens have increased with the in-service teacher training but without any increased in their resources. As a result the trainers have therefore no chance to think sufficiently about their work.
2.2.5 Effects of Sociological Components on Math Education
          When reforms in mathematics teaching at school level became a matter of discussion nearly everywhere in the world, during the sixties, the public and elementary school teachers did not feel concerned. Elementary schools formed a closed world in which the responsible persons were mainly guided by the social sciences, especially the educational sciences. The educational sciences are little concerned with the teaching of arithmetic. The progress observed into the innovations was totally misunderstood.
i. Projects
The first innovations were the introduction of professional mathematics and mathematical specialists into the domain of elementary teaching in the form of commissions and projects. The following trends can be discerned: (a) a structural tendency which emphasizes the structures treating traditional subjects in a new way. (b) the language of sets making much more autonomous unit of skill than a tool used in the quantitative study of the environment (c) an empirical tendency which is done through varied activities (measurement, geometry, function etc.) concerning on the didactic approach rather than on a vertical logically arranged organization.
ii. Transformations
Change in current produced a shock for the mathematics educators. It should be focused on method. Different view points were observed. One of them was an article “Teaching of new mathematics”. It should be concentrated rather on “New teaching of mathematics”. Change in methods requires that teachers should have both a long psychological and technological preparation. But to carry out this preparation certain resources are necessary which have long demand in vain. The authorities understood the need to provide teachers with training in content than training in methods when innovations are preset in subject matter.
Teaching of real contents had to be set at the same time in many countries. The role of publications became therefore fairly important. It is through the intermediary of textbooks for the pupils and accompanies handbooks for the teachers. The majority of teachers came in contact with the innovations which it is their duty to teach. The early textbooks, often hurriedly produced and relying only incidentally on the author’s actual experience, helped to emphasize the gap between the initial efforts and their implementation.
  iii. Difficulties
          A gap is to be seen the pedagogic wishes of the teachers. They are to pass on knowledge, to correct through their teaching socio-cultural disparities and to encourage maturity in the children. The teacher’s everyday practices are concentrating their efforts on technical skills which reduce the cultural role of mathematics. These cultural roles of mathematics do not convinced the parents who generally prefer basic techniques in mathematics. The antagonism between two roles (cultural and technical) expressed by many people as an erroneous idea. Many experiments show that by incorporating cultural part will produce convince in delivering the skill part of mathematics. Attitude towards mathematics plays a vital role in this direction. Teacher should have opportunity during training, of practicing mathematics themselves in a constructive way, and to look over mathematics as a fine building for the children to climb one at a time.
2.2.6 Trends in Research and Problems
          The most widely spread idea on elementary teaching of mathematics are based on learning by conditioning. However, the reforms have been introduced precisely to fight against this method of learning, which seemed to have a special link with the learning of arithmetic.
          When psychologist’s information on the child’s operational stages coincided with t he endeavor to recognize mathematics into large structures, it seemed an opportune moment for the creation of a new didactics of arithmetic at the elementary level, based on the learning structures and integrated with the wave of unification in scientific thought.
i. Current  Research
          Investigations designed on the experimental base should be treated with caution. Numerous studies designed to help teachers adopting short teaching session emphasizes learning by conditioning. Researches that are based on the idea that all knowledge can be reorganized in the framework of large structures, only interesting if it encompasses enough things carried out at a sufficiently high level.

ii. Some problems
          Recent years have seen the appearance and formulation of many problems. Among the most important and whispered tropics opened are:
a)   What are the choices open to the children and the choices open  to the     teacher? Can criteria of choices be established so that the teacher may construct his strategies ?
b) Research on the operating conditions to prevent knowledge becoming a theory detached from the problem at the classroom level as well as at teacher training level.
c)  Is analogy a method of discovery structures?
d) Study of the importance of a child’s personal discovery as he acquires knowledge and its effects on teaching methods.
 e) Research into the difficulties of slow learning or handicapped children. How can a diagnosis be made, and what treatment can be provided which is not pedagogical but medical ?
 f) Elaboration of didactical theories taking the topological aspect of contents into account.
          The study of these problems raises many political and institutional issues which are not peculiar to research on mathematics teaching. It makes difficult to study in a total and controlled manner the whole of the innovation process, ranging from experiments with pupil’s to the training of teachers and application in the classroom.

Chapter III
3.1 Conclusions and Suggestions
          Even if the new trend, new technology, new method and new assessment systems are introduced in mathematics education, it will not worth if implementation is not effective. The developed countries have changed the school level mathematics curriculum on the demand of 21st century. They have also implemented properly. But many developing countries including Nepal is still waiting to do so effectively. So for the improvement of mathematics education from pre-primary school to university levels, some conclusions and suggestions are given in following sections.
3.1.1 Conclusions
          The mathematics education had very much narrower concept in ancient period. In that time; no formal school and institutions have been opened. Babylonian and Egyptian have used stone, sticks to court their domestic animals. For the people in those period mathematics was limited to number and computation of numbers. In ancient time in Nepal, mathematics was learnt in “Gurukul Shiksha”. The mathematics education has been developed through the contributions of many mathematicians in different period of time. In Nepal, mathematics education started after the advent of democracy in 2007 BS. In Nepal, school levels as well as university level mathematics curriculum has been revised with the recommendations of National Education Committee Report 2049 BS. The main countries including Nepal have taken as an education issue for “Mathematics for all” in order to bring drastic change in the trend of mathematics education.
          Most of the developed countries have computerized the teaching of mathematics and use computer, internet in mathematics. The problem of mathematics can be done by these means very accurately and immediately. But, the Nepal is still waiting to introduce the computer in mathematics education. At present, the structure and content of mathematics has changed drastically and attempt carried out to make it relevancy and secondary level mathematics seems to be overcome the domestic problems of people. In most of the educational institutions of Nepal, the tendency of evaluating student is only through paper pencil test detained twice or thrice a year. Most of the teachers and institutions holds in mathematics written test by informing to the students through examination schedule. Nepal has introduced the continuous assessment system in school level but not implementing successfully. Some alternatives assessment techniques such as class work, homework, participation and regularity are used in Nepal but not sufficient and not applying in mathematics.
          The failure rate in mathematics is high in many developing countries including Nepal. So, “mathematics for fail” is the main trend of mathematics in Nepal. The trend of mathematics be made globalization in terms of its new technology, new innovation and in order to provide basis mathematical concept and skills at the lower secondary and secondary level. The concept of computer and internet are related with mathematics from the beginning of post-elementary level.
3.3.2 Suggestions
1)    Mathematics curriculum should be relevance to the life of learner, content should be included from vocational mathematics and should help to provide mathematical power for the student after completed the study.
2)    School mathematics education must be able to produce a mathematically oriented man who can observe work, intensively, explore, widely, feel deeply, think seriously, describe quantitatively, represent vividly argue logically, communicate correctly, solve problems satisfactorily and make connection within and outside of mathematics.
3)    For the improvement of mathematics, we should reform appropriately in school structure, goal and objectives, evaluation procedure, contents and its organizations, teacher training, effects of computer and its use, applied and vocational mathematics, research in mathematics education, government’s role and responsibility etc.
4)    A sound national’s goals and objectives should be formulated according to national’s need, socitey’ expectation, learner level, community and international trends in mathematics education. Curriculum should be formulated accordingly.
5)    The concept of integration versus diversified mathematics curriculum should be emphasized. Local level mathematics curriculum developments process and appropriateness of mathematics for the twenty first century are highly increased.


Howard Eves. An Introduction to the History of mathematics


Izaak Wirszup and Robort Streit (Editors). Development in School Mathematics Teaching. Volume III, Proceeding of the ICME, NCTM.

Pandit, R.P.(2007). Recent trends in Mathematics Education. Shantinager: Kathmandu.

Upadhyaya, H.P. (2010). Recent Trends in Mathematics Education, Vidharthi Prakashan. Kathmandu.